2021 अंकज्योतिष - NUMEROLOGY 2021 IN HINDI

2021 अंकज्योतिष - NUMEROLOGY 2021 IN HINDI

आगामी वर्ष 2021, हम सभी के लिए एक सुखद वर्ष रहने वाला होगा। अंकशास्त्र के मुताबिक 2021 की कुल संख्या 5 है, और इस अंक का स्वामी बुध है। साल 2020 के बाद राहु वर्ष, जो वैश्विक स्तर पर संघर्ष लाया था, जिससे अब राहत की उम्मीद है। साल 2021 पुराने साल की भरपाई के तौर पर देखा जा रहा है।

बुध एक लचीला और गतिमान ग्रह है और इसलिए हम इस वर्ष ट्रैवल और हॉस्पिटेलिटी क्षेत्र में असाधारण रूप से विकास देखेंगे, क्योंकि लॉकडाउन के बाद लोग घर से बाहर निकलने की सोचेंगे और कई यात्राएं भी करेंगे। साथ ही बुध एक यात्रा ग्रह है, इसलिए अधिक से अधिक लोगों इस बार यात्राएं करेंगे। हालांकि कुछ एकल, कुछ परिवारों के साथ और कुछ दोस्तों के साथ करेंगे। इसके अलावा यह साल लोगों को घर बदलने और नई जगह स्थानांतरित होने का संकेत दे रहा है।

ज्योतिषशास्त्र के मुताबिक, बुध का रंग सिल्वर है, इसलिए हम चांदी, स्टील और सोनें की कीमतों में बढ़ोत्तरी देखेंगे। इसका मतलब है कि आप उनके अनुसार ही निवेश कर सकते हैं। स्टॉक मार्केट इंडेक्स भी ऊपर जाएगा। हालांकि बुध चंचल ग्रह है और स्थिर नहीं रहता है इसलिए बाजार में उतार-चढ़ाव बना रहेगा। ट्रैवल एंड हॉस्पिटैलिटी इंडस्ट्री के अलावा ट्रांसपोर्ट, टेक्नोलॉजी, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स, फार्मा और इंश्योरेंस के लिए भी यह साल अच्छा रहेगा। यदि आप इनमें से किसी एक क्षेत्र में कार्यरत हैं या आपका व्यवसाय है, तो आप सुनिश्चित रूप से अगले साल पैसा कमाएंगे। जैसा कि बुध ज्ञान और बुद्धि के लिए है, यह शिक्षण और प्रशिक्षण उद्योग, मनोगत विज्ञान, ज्योतिष, आदि के लिए एक लाभदायक वर्ष होगा।

दूसरी ओर 2022 का न्यूमेरोलॉजी नंबर 6 होगा, जिसका स्वामी शुक्र है। शुक्र को भोग-विलास के लिए जाना जाता है, इसलिए अगले आने वाले 2 वर्षों में एक बार फिर भारत दुनिया की तीसरी अर्थव्यवस्था और सोने की चिड़िया कहलाएगा। तो चलिए इस सकारात्मक नोट पर एस्ट्रोयोगी की ज्योतिषी टैरो पूजा हमारे जन्मतिथि के अनुसार आगामी वर्ष 2021 के बारे में विस्तार से बताने जा रही हैं।

2021 की वार्षिक अंकज्योतिष भविष्यफल जानने के लिये अपने मूलांक पर क्लिक करें


मूलांक 1 -(1, 19, 28 को जन्म लेने वाले लोग) सूर्य का नंबर

The relation of the Moon is with our mother. If our Moon is not good, then we should take care of our mother. You should also always respect any lady who is the same age as your mother as this will make your Moon strong. The year 2022 will be an amazing year for all the individuals who have number 2. This year will give you good results from all your hard work. You will be financially stronger and enjoy luxuries. Focus on your goals as then no one can stop you from achieving your goals. This year will give you a lot of challenges, and you will get to overcome them wisely. Focus on the things which motivate you, and don't let negative thoughts enter your mind. You have abilities to achieve everything in your life; use your brain before taking each step. Overall, this year will be joyful for you.

Numerology 2022: Career And Finance 

The year will be starting with exceptional financial growth. You will be able to receive profits from the businesses you have invested in. Don't waste your money; save it by controlling your overspending. Those who are doing jobs may get good opportunities. Also, some might change their jobs. You have chances to go on work-related trips. Utilize your time and focus on your work properly. Overall, this year will be giving you great financial earnings.

Numerology 2022: Love And Relationships 

This year will not affect you much emotionally. You will be mentally strong. Try to avoid toxic relationships as they might distract you from your goals and disturb you a lot. A healthy relationship will be an excellent motivation for your aim. Singles will be lucky this year because they might be meeting their life partner. You need to, however, be careful not to fall for the wrong person. Your right choice will be favorable for you. This year will be very good for your love life. People who are in serious relationships might get married this year.

Numerology 2022: Health

This year might be a little challenging for you. It might give you frequent illness. Stay connected with a doctor for your regular check-ups and be aware of your health. Don't let your work stress affect your health. Try to give some time to yourself and stay away from unnecessary stress. Be regular with your exercise. Eat healthy food and avoid consuming junk food. Spend time with your family as it will help you heal mentally and give you happiness. If you stay alert, you will not face any serious health issues.

Let's get to know about the remedies for Number 2 for the year 2022. 

Write number 2 on a piece of paper with the help of a silver-colored pen and keep it in your wallet. By doing this, you will be getting prosperity and luck. Keep a 2/2 inch piece of pure silver metal in a square shape in your pocket. It will be great for your finances. Put a piece or item made out of silver metal in a steel water pot and drink the water daily. This remedy will help you stay healthy and make your skin good. Also, your health problems may get solved due to this remedy.

  • LUCKY CRYSTAL:- Moonstone.
  • LUCKY COLOR:- White and cream colors.
  • DONATIONS:- Donate rice and milk once a month in an old-age home for old women and take blessings from them. For those who have a weak Moon, this will help them to make their Moon stronger.
  • Lucky Number:-  2 and 9

The relation of the Moon is with our mother. If our Moon is not good, then we should take care of our mother. You should also always respect any lady who is the same age as your mother as this will make your Moon strong. The year 2022 will be an amazing year for all the individuals who have number 2. This year will give you good results from all your hard work. You will be financially stronger and enjoy luxuries. Focus on your goals as then no one can stop you from achieving your goals. This year will give you a lot of challenges, and you will get to overcome them wisely. Focus on the things which motivate you, and don't let negative thoughts enter your mind. You have abilities to achieve everything in your life; use your brain before taking each step. Overall, this year will be joyful for you.

Numerology 2022: Career And Finance 

The year will be starting with exceptional financial growth. You will be able to receive profits from the businesses you have invested in. Don't waste your money; save it by controlling your overspending. Those who are doing jobs may get good opportunities. Also, some might change their jobs. You have chances to go on work-related trips. Utilize your time and focus on your work properly. Overall, this year will be giving you great financial earnings.

Numerology 2022: Love And Relationships 

This year will not affect you much emotionally. You will be mentally strong. Try to avoid toxic relationships as they might distract you from your goals and disturb you a lot. A healthy relationship will be an excellent motivation for your aim. Singles will be lucky this year because they might be meeting their life partner. You need to, however, be careful not to fall for the wrong person. Your right choice will be favorable for you. This year will be very good for your love life. People who are in serious relationships might get married this year.

Numerology 2022: Health

This year might be a little challenging for you. It might give you frequent illness. Stay connected with a doctor for your regular check-ups and be aware of your health. Don't let your work stress affect your health. Try to give some time to yourself and stay away from unnecessary stress. Be regular with your exercise. Eat healthy food and avoid consuming junk food. Spend time with your family as it will help you heal mentally and give you happiness. If you stay alert, you will not face any serious health issues.

Let's get to know about the remedies for Number 2 for the year 2022. 

Write number 2 on a piece of paper with the help of a silver-colored pen and keep it in your wallet. By doing this, you will be getting prosperity and luck. Keep a 2/2 inch piece of pure silver metal in a square shape in your pocket. It will be great for your finances. Put a piece or item made out of silver metal in a steel water pot and drink the water daily. This remedy will help you stay healthy and make your skin good. Also, your health problems may get solved due to this remedy.

•LUCKY CRYSTAL:- Moonstone.

•LUCKY COLOR:- White and cream colors.

•DONATIONS:- Donate rice and milk once a month in an old-age home for old women and take blessings from them. For those who have a weak Moon, this will help them to make their Moon stronger.


•Lucky Number:-  2 and 9

मूलांक 2 -(2, 11, 20 को जन्म लेने वाले लोग) चंद्रमा का अंक

Jupiter is a benefic planet. If you are affected by Jupiter, then you must have a religious personality. These individuals are obedient towards work, and they also have excellent teaching skills. This year (2022) will bring mixed results for people who belong to number 3. This year will not be a good time to start new things. It's better to continue with old projects as it will give you favorable results. The first half of the year will be a bit challenging for you, but the second half will be amazing. This year will be your learning period, and you will learn a lot of new things. Overall, this year will be a year with lots of challenges. But don't worry! Give a tough fight to all the obstacles, and you will definitely get favorable results. 

Numerology 2022: Career And Finance 

This year, you need to focus on achieving financial stability. Your overspendings can give you colossal losses. Hence, try to save more instead of spending. You should use your money wisely. Do not invest your money in deals that will give you a loss. You can set aside a little money for luxury, but you should not misuse the same. Those who have jobs might get an increment and also a good name in their workplace. If you are in the field of counseling or teaching, it will prove to be a great profession for you. Even for students who want to go into the field of teaching or counseling, this will be a great opportunity for you. 

Numerology 2022: Love And Relationships  

This year might be full of ups and downs for those who are in a relationship. This will be a challenging year. Try to stick with your partner and avoid unnecessary fights because it may break your relationship. Those who are single try to avoid relationships this year because it might disturb you. For those in a long-distance relationship, this year will be favorable for you. You might get the chance to meet your partner and have a good time with your loved ones. Use this time to make good memories with your partner. Overall, this year will be a good year for relationship-related matters.

Numerology 2022: Health 

This year might be a little stressful for you, and it can affect your spiritual and mental health.  Focus on the things that will give you peace of mind. Always surround yourself with people and things that do not stress you. Do meditation to relax your mind and get involved in activities that can help get relief from stress. This year can cause your body to become fat, So, try to do regular exercise and consume food items which burn your calories. Indulge in daily walking, exercise, gymming, etc., to control your body fat. For your mental stress, take proper counseling so that your mental health can be stable.

Let's get to know about the remedies for Number 3 for the year 2022. 

Write the number 3 on a piece of paper with a golden-colored pen and keep it in your wallet. This will create positive vibrations of number 3 in your life and give you prosperity. Take a 2/2 inch brass piece in a square shape and keep it in your pocket. This will make your planet (Jupiter) strong and create the positive energy of Jupiter in your life. Donate bananas once every month in an old-age home and take blessings from everyone there. This will increase your luck and the power of Jupiter.

•LUCKY CRYSTAL:- Yellow crystal, Pukhraj.

•LUCKY COLOR:- Yellow, mustard, dull golden.

•DONATIONS:- Donate yellow Chana dal and banana.

•MANTRA CHANTING:- “Om graam greem graum sah brihaspataye namah”.

•Lucky Number:-  3 and 1 

मूलांक 3 -(3, 12, 21,30 पर जन्म लेने वाले लोग) बृहस्पति का अंक

The year 2022 will bring new hopes and opportunities for people who have Number 4. The things that were not supporting you in the past year will support you this year. Your loved ones will value your efforts in relationships. This year will be in your favor. Those who are born on 4th are perfectionists, honest, and good at management. They are always supportive and have their close one's backs in every situation. 

2022 will bring progress in your career. You will get the promotion that you have been waiting for. Your dreams will start coming true. However, do not be in a hurry to achieve success. Overall, this year will be super favorable, supportive, and excellent for you.

Numerology 2022: Career And Finance

Financially this year will be very lucky for you and will give you a lot of financial success. Just try to save your money and invest it properly.  Things will be in your favor, especially after May. All the changes you want to make, make it after May as it will be good for you. For those in the field of research, this period will support you and give you good opportunities. This period will be a learning period for those who want to learn occult science. For those in the field of export and import, this year will support you a lot and give you a lot of financial growth. Overall, this will be a period of gain for you, and you will achieve good heights in your career.

Numerology 2022: Love And Relationships  

This year can be challenging for your marriage. Those who are in relationships can face breakups or encounter unwanted fights. Try to stay with your partner and avoid arguments. Instead of fighting, try to sit and talk with your partner. This will help you to get a solution and keep you away from a breakup. Try to make your relationship stronger by giving your partner gifts and making them happy. Overall, you have to try your best to make your relationship strong. So, avoid fights, keep your partner happy, stay calm, and handle your relationship wisely. 

Numerology 2022: Health   

The 2022 horoscope for health predicts that you will have excellent health this year. You will be strong enough to take care of your regular duties. Drink a good amount of water to improve your immune system. Take a proper health check-up and do whatever your doctor suggests. Try to stay away from all the harmful substances which can damage your body. Also, be aware of your mental health.  Just take proper counseling and stay healthy. Add some healthy workouts to your daily routine. 

Let's get to know about the remedies for Number 4 for the year 2022. 

Write number 4 on a piece of paper with a silver-colored pen and keep it in your wallet for good growth. Apply yellow Chandan with the middle finger on your forehead. By doing this remedy, all blockages will open, and you will have good stability. Those who don't have Rahu in good condition should not sleep during the day; otherwise, Rahu will give you horrible effects. 



•DONATIONS:- Donate blankets to needy people.

•MANTRA CHANTING:- Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap.

•Lucky Number:- 4 and 9

मूलांक 4 -(4, 13, 22, 31 को जन्म लेने वाले लोग) राहु का अंक

Those who have good effects of Mercury in their lives are very intelligent, have amazing management skills, and are always risk-takers. These people can opt for marketing, CA, CS, banking, and finance-related work.

The year 2022 will be an interesting year for those who have number 5. You just have to focus on the right path and think wisely before making any decisions, as your wrong decisions can harm you. Don't get scared with upcoming opportunities. Give your best, and you will be able to achieve your goals. You need to change many things if you want your life to take the appropriate direction. This year will give you success, and it can be your lucky year. Mercury will be in your favor, and it will support you during the ups and downs. This will be an amazing period for you because you will gain everything like money, love life, business, name, fame, etc. Overall, this will be an excellent year for you.

Numerology 2022: Career And Finance 

This year will give you excellent financial stability, and you will get good growth. This year will support and give success to those doing business or who want to start a new business. Those who are doing jobs might get promotions or a bonus at their workplace. You can also get chances to go on work-related trips, and it will be full of enjoyment for you. This year your workload might decrease, and you will enjoy yourself more with your family and friends. But in the end, don't forget to save as this year might cause you to spend a lot. 

Numerology 2022: Love And Relationships  

2022 can be a blessing for you. This year will be an amazing year for your relationship. Singles will be able to meet their soul mates and get into a relationship. Those who desire to get married will have strong chances to get married this year. Couples will get to spend quality time with each other. Your trust in your partner will increase. Those who are in long-distance relationships will be meeting their partner multiple times this year. Overall this year, you will get a lot of happiness from your loved ones.

Numerology 2022: Health 

Due to work pressure, your health might get affected, so you will have to take care of your health. Mental pressure can knock on your door. Be up to date with your regular health check-ups and start developing hobbies. Don't let your work pressure ruin your mental health and spiritual health. Enjoy with your family and friends. You will feel good and relaxed with them, and they will help you deal with all your problems. Overall, this year can be a little serious in the matter of health. Take care of yourself!

Let's get to know about the remedies for Number 5 for the year 2022. 

Write number 5 on a piece of paper with a green-colored pen and keep it in your wallet; it will be good for your luck and prosperity. Take a 2/2 inch piece of a square made of Ashtadhatu and keep it with you. It will boost the power of Mercury and make you more energetic. Always respect and take blessings from transgender people for good stability.




•DONATIONS:- Donate green Moong dal to transgender people and always take blessings from them. Donate grass and green spinach to cows for good luck.

•MANTRA CHANTING:- Ganesh Mantra.

•Lucky Number:-  5 and 8

मूलांक 5 - (5, 14, 23 को जन्म लेने वाले लोग) बुध का अंक

The year 2022 will be a joyful year for people with number 6. 2022 will be full of opportunities for you. You and your family will be proud of your outstanding achievements. You must work towards achieving your happiness. Once you achieve a fulfilled life, you will know peace. This year, you will get to try new things and get good results from your hard work. All your experiments will give you results as per your wishes.  Use your wisdom, courage, and confidence to get through your daily life. Venus is the Lord of your number, and it will give you good results and golden opportunities. You will be glad to know that the upcoming years will also be favorable for you. 

Numerology 2022: Career And Finance 

Your career will take a good turn, and your flow of income will increase. Money will not be an issue for you in 2022, meaning the flow of money will be smooth. Those who are thinking of investing in a business can definitely go for it because the stars are supporting you. The results will be favorable, and financially you will be stable. Invest in those projects that will assure you of significant gains. Those who are doing jobs can also think of starting a business if they want. They can take this step as they have good management skills, and starting a business will also help them earn a good profit. Focus on your savings because you will be spending a lot.  

Numerology 2022: Love And Relationships 

Things will run quite smoothly in your love life as 2022 will be in your favor. You will be able to sort out the issues you have with your partner, and thus, you will get to enjoy time together. Appreciate your partner, be thankful to them, and love them as much as you can. Those who are thinking of marriage will have a strong chance of getting married. Those who are single might get opportunities to go on dates, but there are fewer chances for a serious relationship. Overall, this year will shower a lot of love on you. Even your relationship with your family will improve, and you will be having a good time with them. 

Numerology 2022: Health 

This year will not be good for your health because of your low immune system. You have to work hard to make your immune system strong. You need to eat food that will improve your immunity. Drink water and eat fruits filled with all the essential nutrients. Make sure that you visit your doctor. Also, be sure to make significant changes to your lifestyle. Your body should be your priority. Attaining a healthy body should be your first concern, so start working on yourself. Your health can cost you a lot this year, which means your expenses will increase because of your health. Take steps to keep your body healthy because your health is your wealth.

Let's get to know about the remedies for Number 6 for the year 2022. 
Write number 6 on a piece of paper with a silver-colored pen and keep it in your wallet. It will be good for your prosperity. Whenever you get up in the morning, consume crystallized sugar lumps to make your Venus stronger and increase your luck.

•LUCKY CRYSTAL:- Diamond, Opal. 

•LUCKY COLOUR:- White and silver-based colors are lucky for you.

•DONATIONS:- You should gift sweets or perfumes to your wife if you are married. Girls can also do the same with their husbands. If you are not married, you can give it to anyone, but it should be sweets and perfume. 

•MANTRA CHANTING:- “Om Shukraye Namah”.

•Lucky Number:- 6 and 1

मूलांक 6 - (6, 15, 24 को जन्म लेने वाले लोग) शुक्र का अंक

The year 2022 will be a progressive year for those who have number 7. If you have made any mistakes in the past, you will get the chance to clear them this year. Do not get into any unnecessary fights because you will end up making enemies. This year will equip you to complete all your wishes and desires. Accept when you do wrong to others and ask for their forgiveness. Always be ready to support others as they have always supported you. Don't be selfish with your skills and talents; share them. Number 7 is for Ketu and stands for spirituality. It gives a lot of good luck. Overall, this year will be a good year for you. You just have to work on yourself for your progress.

Numerology 2022: Career And Finance 

Money will be coming your way this year. You will not be facing any money-related issues this year. It would help if you continued working hard in your career, as then the flow of income will get better. This year you will be saving money for luxury and a good life. Those who are doing jobs might get stuck in office politics. It will be better for you to work hard and prove yourself to everyone. You also have chances of getting promotions. Those who want to start a business in partnership can definitely start it. This year, you might be making huge investments for your future security. Overall this year will be an amazing year for your career and money flow. You will not be facing any financial issues.

Numerology 2022: Love And Relationships 

This year can be a challenging year for your relationship. You have to stay calm in all relationship-related matters. Challenges will come your way but remember, you will have to overcome them together. Do not let each other down. Appreciate each other. You should try making your partner happy. There can be little disturbance in your marriage life. Try to sit and talk with your partner instead of fighting. Your fights can separate you from your partner. If you have issues, please sit down and talk them out. Ups and downs are part of life, so don't think of it as the end of your relationship. If you love your partner, then hold them tight and stay with them.

Numerology 2022: Health 

This year will also be challenging for your health. Try to avoid unhealthy food because it will harm your body a lot. Stress is not at all good for you because it will be affecting your mental health. Start concentrating on yourself and start meditating. At the beginning of the year, you can face health issues, but soon you will be absolutely fine. Overall, you have to be careful about your health, and try to eat healthy food. Also, try to get proper sleep and rest for your good health. Sleeping late at night can also harm your health. 

Let's get to know about the remedies for Number 7 for the year 2022. 

You should help at the place of a funeral. Write number 7 with a copper-colored pen on a piece of paper and keep it in your wallet for getting prosperity. By serving old people at your home, Ketu becomes happy and thus, boosts your luck. Also, worship Lord Ganesha.

•LUCKY CRYSTAL:- You should wear Cat’s Eye stone.

•LUCKY COLOUR:-  Copper is your lucky color. 

•DONATIONS:- Donate sweet chapati to a dog for boosting the positive energy of your stars.

•MANTRA CHANTING:- “Om Kem Ketave Namah”.

•Lucky Number:-  7 and 2

मूलांक 7 - (7, 16, 25 को जन्म लेने वाले लोग) केतु का अंक

Saturn or Shani is a neutral planet. It doesn't harm anyone until you do something terrible to them. In the year 2022, you have to make some positive changes to make your life better. Be passionate about those things which are good for you and try to achieve all your goals. This year will not give you much stress, and things will be pretty good. Improve your personal and professional relationships with people and seek their guidance whenever you are stuck. Remember to appreciate the people who know your worth. They will help ensure you become better in life. This year can be pretty challenging for you but don't get demotivated. Give a tough fight to every obstacle which comes in your way. Overall, you will enjoy this year. It will be challenging yet a good learning period.

Numerology 2022: Career And Finance 

Finance will not be a problem for you in 2022. You might need an advisor to manage your money. You should listen to their advice and work accordingly. Make sure to keep the income flow in your life stable. Focus on your inner intuitions and work the way you want. Due to this, you will be able to make the right decisions in your life. Whatever step you take in your life should be calculated. This year, students have the chance to go for higher studies. This year will be good for those searching for jobs as they might get their dream jobs. Those who want to visit abroad for higher studies or jobs can go for it. Overall, this year will be on your side and increase your sources of income.

Numerology 2022: Love And Relationships 

Always be there for your partner and help them in whatever way you can. Don't let your partner deal with their problems on their own. Always stand by them and support them. Single people shouldn't rush. You should take your time before getting into any relationship. You will surely get your perfect match. Those who are in long-distance relationships might get the chance to meet their partners. You should make your partner happy and give them surprises. This year will be good for your relationship.

Numerology 2022: Health 

Number 8 signifies excellent health in the year 2022. Keep in check your family's health and pay attention to their regular checkups. Always ensure that you are in great shape. So don't miss your exercises, regularly visit your gym, do aerobics, and have more healthy food. Exercising will improve your heart rate and your immune system. Make sure to take the steps that boost your energy levels. This way, illnesses will not affect you easily. Overall, this year will be a healthy year for you. Enjoy it!

Let's get to know about the remedies for Number 8 for the year 2022. 

Write number 8 on a piece of paper with a dark blue-colored pen and keep it in your wallet for good prosperity. Keep a small 2/2 inch square piece of iron metal in your pocket for getting positive effects of Shani. Give white melons to laborers on Saturday to boost your luck.

•LUCKY CRYSTAL:- Blue Sapphire ( Neelam ).

•LUCKY COLOUR:- Blue and Sky color.

•DONATIONS:- Donate black Urad dal to laborers to get good effects of Lord Shani. It will also boost your luck.


•Lucky Number:- 8 and 5

मूलांक 8 - (8, 17, 26 को जन्म लेने वाले लोग) शनि का अंक

The year 2022 will be a year full of opportunities for number 9. Don't focus on the things which hold you down. Try to achieve all your goals. Approach all your goals with confidence, and you will surely make it. With determination, you can achieve everything you want in life. Try to spread positive energy, and everything will be positive for you. Also, work on your weaknesses. With your dedication, you can make all your dreams come true. Always stay true to yourself and towards your goals. Don't let negative energies enter your life. Remember that ups and downs are part of life, but it depends on how well you can deal with the situation. Keep your thoughts and emotions positive, and nothing will go wrong in your life. This new beginning will enable you to feel inspired and make things right in your life.

Numerology 2022: Career And Finance

2021 was challenging for you in the matters of finance, but 2022 will be very good for you. You will be able to achieve all your goals this year. You will have chances to go on work-related trips as the stars will be in your favor. These work trips will give you success, and they will also be beneficial for your finances. You will get attention and success from your colleagues and teammates. Everyone will appreciate and respect you for your work. They will understand and cooperate with you at your workplace and will support you in every problem. Students have a chance for higher studies and will get success on this road. Overall, this year will be a successful period for your career.

Numerology 2022: Love And Relationships

This year will definitely be a good year for dating and starting a healthy relationship if you are single. You have to be honest with your partner; if you lie, your relationship can break. Try to spend time with your partner and don't disappoint them. If you disappoint them, it will be a challenging year for your relationship. If you are married, try to avoid fights with your partner because you will see unwanted arguments during this period. Give gifts to your partner to keep them happy. Whenever you fight, try to sit and talk because these fights can be harmful to your relationship. Overall, in this period, you have to fight against all the challenges to save your relationship. 

Numerology 2022: Health

Always follow the advice of your doctor. The year 2022 won't be a good year for your health. So, eat well and ensure that you keep away from stress. A lot of stress can affect your mental health, which can be dangerous for you. Make some positive changes in your life for your good health. Include daily exercises in your routine. Your health is your wealth; hence, you must stay alert and focused on your health. Stay aware of your regular health checkups. As this year will not be good for your health matters, so take care of yourself.

Let's get to know about the remedies for Number 9 for the year 2022. 

Write number 9 with a red-colored pen on a piece of paper and keep it in your wallet for good luck and prosperity. Take a 2/2 inch copper square and keep it in your pocket to boost the power of Mars.

•LUCKY CRYSTAL:- Red coral is your lucky stone.

•LUCKY COLOR:- Red is your lucky color.

•DONATIONS:- Donate red jaggery to cow (a brown color cow) for getting success.

•MANTRA CHANTING:- “Om kram kreem kroum sah bhaumaya namah”.

•Lucky Number:-  9 and 1

मूलांक 9 - (9, 18, 27 को जन्मे लोग) मंगल का अंक

मंगल की ऊर्जा उन लोगों की मदद करेगी जो इस साल खुद को वास्तविक बनाने के लिए नंबर 9 के तहत आते हैं और इसका अधिकतम लाभ उठाते हैं। बस याद रखें कि साल 2021 की संख्या 5 है और वह बुध का अंक है। बुध अपने आप में स्थिर नहीं है और अतिरिक्त मंगल की ऊर्जा के साथ निर्माण से अधिक विनाश हो सकता है।

करियर और वित्त
मूलांक 9 वाले लोग 2021 में विभिन्न स्थानों पर काम के लिए यात्रा कर सकते हैं। यह यात्रा सड़क या अन्य महाद्वीपों की तरह दूर स्थानों तक भी हो सकती है। यह साल कामकाजी जातकों के लिए एक अच्छी शुरुआत लेकर आएगा। साल की शुरुआत में आपको पदोन्नति और वेतन वृद्धि मिल सकती है। वहीं व्यापारी इस साल अपने व्यवसाय में शानदार वृद्धि हासिल करेंगे। आपकी व्यावसायिक योजनाएँ पूरी तरह से आपके लिए काम करेंगी।

प्यार और रिश्ते
मूलांक 9 के लिए, आपका पारिवारिक जीवन बहुत सामंजस्यपूर्ण रहेगा और परिवार में एक-दूसरे के लिए प्यार और स्नेह की भावना प्रबल होगी, जिससे एकता और एकजुटता बनाए रखने में मदद मिलेगी। वहीं विवाहित जीवन प्रेम, भक्ति और स्नेह की प्यारी छाया के नीचे रहेगा, यदि आप किसी के साथ प्यार में हैं, तो आपको इस साल बहुत अच्छे परिणाम मिलेंगे। आपके और आपके प्रिय के बीच निकटता बढ़ेगी। अपनी कमियों को जानना और उन्हें दूर करने की कोशिश करना आपको सफल बनाने में मदद करेगा। आपको सलाह दी जाती है कि आप अपने साथी के साथ ईमानदार, सच्चे और वफादार रहें इसके अलावा उनको धोखा देने या तानशाही करने की कोशिश ना करें।  

न्यूमरोलॉजी 2021 राशिफल भविष्यवाणी करता है कि मूलांक 9 वाले लोग इस साल अपने जीवन में बुनियादी अनुशासन बनाए रखेंगे, तब तक आप अच्छे स्वास्थ्य का आनंद लेंगे। सीमा के भीतर किया गया कुछ भी अच्छा होगा, और अति में किया गया कुछ भी हानिकारक होगा। इसलिए एक संतुलन बनाएं, फिर चाहे वह जंक फूड खाना हो या अपने पीने की आदत हो। 

उपाय - दिन में कम से कम एक बार भोजन करने की कोशिश करें। यह सकारात्मक परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए रोजाना किया जाना चाहिए न कि केवल कभी-कभार। 

भाग्यशाली रत्न - सूर्यकांत मणि रत्न (रेड जैस्पर)
भाग्यशाली रंग - लाल
दान - दाल का दान करें। आप इसे स्लम क्षेत्रों में वितरित कर सकते हैं या इसे किसी शैक्षिक या धार्मिक स्थान पर दे सकते हैं।
मंत्र जप - शिव चालीसा

अंकज्योतिष फ्री रीडिंग

Ruling Number

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